I became passionate about this breed in 1984.
In that same year, I purchased my first Pitbull (Nick), Corvino bloodlines, taken from an American boy who joined my gym.
In those years, I worked with the Neapolitan Mastiff, a breed of enormous power but also of large size…
When I saw Pitbulls at work for the first time, I was amazed by their great physical and character abilities (now mostly disappeared due to selection aimed at show dogs and, therefore, with dampened temperament) concentrated in such a small size.
I therefore decided to purchase a couple directly from the United States, in the years when the Pitbull breed was practically unknown in Italy.
Nick was my first Pitbull. A dog tested, temperamentally by my historic friends Maurizio Ceracchi and Mauro Passarelli.
Since 1984 I have never left this breed.
From the 80s to today, I have always lived this passion of mine in the shadows, not commodifying it but concentrating solely on morphological and character conservation according to the standard drawn up on 10 June 1936 and which states: “…the American Staffordshire Terrier should give the impression of great strength for his size, a well put-together dog, muscular, but agile and graceful, keenly alive to his surroundings. He should be stocky, not long-legged or racy in outline.
A versatile dog, therefore, that can be used at 360 degrees.
In 1989 I got a female American Staffordshire Terrier named Haragei’s India, Gallant’s and Sindelar’s bloodlines.
Subsequently it was the turn of Bob, an exceptional dog, White Rock and Hagele’s bloodlines (now disappeared), a specimen of Amstaff endowed with great temperament and an extraordinary balance which pushed me to freeze his semen, to maintain these qualities that I appreciate in my litters.

Nao, another dog of mine with exceptional qualities, was handed over to Maurizio Ceracchi, who undertook a training course with him with the Gym Dogs protocol, obtaining excellent results.
Having the opportunity to breed without compromising (I earn my living doing other things in life) I have not complied with market demands and I can boast of preserving the many qualities of this magnificent breed.
I hope to be able to continue to follow this path as faithfully as possible, first as an enthusiast and then as a breeder, making this breed appreciated for the many qualities it has:
From Pet Therapy to personal and housing defense.
Lino Pignotti